Cum să: rădăcină și de a instala TWRP de recuperare pe Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T807 Android 5.0

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T807 Android 5.0

Samsung has now released an update to Android 5.0 Lollipop for their Galaxy Tab S.  There are several variants available of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and the update has been released for almost all of them.  One of these variants is their LTE variant that carries model number T807.

If you have updated your Samsung Galaxy Tab S10.5 to Android 5.0, you may have noticed you lost your root access.  Or you might never have bothered getting root access before.  In any case, if you want to get root access on a Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T807, we have the guide for you.  We are also going to throw in a guide to installing TWRP recovery on the device.

Pregătiți dispozitivul:

  1. This guide and the methods within are only for use with a Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T907.
  2. Charge your device so it has up to 50 percent of its power.
  3. Have an original data cable that you can use to connect your device to a PC.
  4. Make a backup of any important data that you have on your device.


Notă: Metodele necesare pentru a bloca recuperări personalizate, roms și pentru a vă rădăcina telefonul pot duce la blocarea dispozitivului. Înrădăcinarea dispozitivului dvs. va anula, de asemenea, garanția și nu va mai fi eligibilă pentru servicii gratuite de dispozitive de la producători sau furnizori de garanție. Fiți responsabil și țineți cont de acestea înainte de a vă decide să continuați pe propria răspundere. În cazul apariției unei neplăceri, noi sau producătorii de dispozitive nu ar trebui să fim responsabili niciodată.


Install TWRP & Root Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T807 On Android Lollipop

  1. Deschideți Odin3 V3.10.6.exe
  2. Put Tab S 10.5 in download mode. Turn it off completely then turn it back on by pressing and holding the Volume Down, Home and Power buttons. When your device boots up, press Volume Up button to continue.
  3. Connect device to PC now. ID:COM box on Odin3’s top-left corner should  turn blue if your device is connected properly.
  4. Go to the AP tab in Odin.  Look for and select the downloaded TWRP Recovery file.  Odin will load the file.
  5. Check the options in Odin.  If you see that the Auto-reboot option is un-ticked, make sure to tick it.  All other options should remain as is.
  6. Check that your Odin screen matches the one show below.

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  1. Click the start button on Odin to flash the recovery.
  2. When flashing is through, you should see the process box located above the ID:COM box have a green light.
  3. Deconectați dispozitivul de la PC.
  4. Opriți aparatul.
  5. Boot it into recovery mode by turning it on by pressing and holding down the Volume Up, Home and Power buttons.
  6. In TWRP recovery, select Install> locate> Flash.
  7. After flashing, reboot device.
  8. Check that you have SuperSu in your devices app drawer.
  9. Go to the Google Play Store.  Find and Install BusyBox.
  10. Utilizare rădăcină Checker Pentru a verifica dacă aveți acces root.

Have you gained root access and installed custom recovery on your Galaxy Tab S 10.5 T807?

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